This Week’s Sophic Soul Challenge: BREAK LIMITING BELIEFS!

As an international psychic medium, I teach around the world a class I created call “I’m A Psychic Medium, and So Are You!  TM. Within one hour of starting class, 98% of my students are successfully giving beginning psychic readings to perfect strangers!!  How do they do?  First, they believe they can!

Some people have to “SEE TO BELIEVE,” but others “NEED ONLY BELIEVE TO SEE!” 

To see beyond your limiting beliefs and own human experiences, BECOME THE LATTER!

Beliefs determine how we view and interpret the world around us, and our perception of our place within that world. Belief is the invisible force behind all of your behavior and the core of every decision you make.   Everything that shapes your human experiences relies upon and is influenced, by your belief system. 

Beliefs often exist outside the existence of objective or rigorous empirical proofs and are based on faith or common codes, such as in religion and religious sects.  But not only do religions rely on shared beliefs, so do families, cultures, and other types of communities including the modern societal stables, such as medicine, science, philosophy, politics, and more.

Beliefs are good things; they are the ideas and ideals that bind us together.  We seek out friendships and relationships based on common beliefs that align with our values.  And it is also true that beliefs change over time.   When I was little, I was convinced Santa Claus was real.  I believed it with all of my heart, not only because I was told that, and every Christmas morning presents magically appeared under our tree, but even more importantly I believed it because I wanted to believe it.  Spoiler alert:  I know believe in the Spirit of Santa and Christmas, the kindness of giving as an expression of love.  Some beliefs are foundational, and others mature and change as you do.

I recommend that each of us, as spiritual beings traveling on this ever-evolving road of humanity, should check in with our beliefs frequently to explore how each new experience along the way may be trying to grab our attention to expand and test the tightly held hypotheses of our life experiences.

One concept that influences our belief system, perhaps more than any other factor, is that our beliefs can also be the direct by-product of our sensory perception (which was last week’s Sophic Soul Challenge Blog!)  Over 2,000 years ago, Aristotle, a Greek philosopher who coined the phrase “metaphysical” postulated that humans can only truly learn by, and believe in, what they sense, or perceive with their physical senses. 

In my class, I challenge my students to set aside limiting beliefs about their ability to be intuitive, psychics, and even mediums able to see and know things, and while in deep meditation we open our energy system to allow for alternative knowing.  We CHANGE the operating belief and the environment for ourselves, which by magic allows the energy of intuition to flood in our beings. 

Limiting beliefs create all sorts of problems for us.  For some, limiting beliefs make the world a scary place, and make us feel small, weak, or victims of our circumstances.  Other limiting beliefs tell us we cannot have everything, that we are not enough, or that acting out of self-interest and self-expression is bad.

So in this week’s Sophic Soul Challenge,  I ask you what do you believe and where did your belief system come from? And, more importantly, what limiting beliefs are you ready to let go?


The Challenge:  Each day this week I invite you to explore and journal about your belief system, and your individual beliefs choosing to answer some of all of the soul-searching question prompts. 

Preparation: Get out your journal and breathe.  Simply breathe at your rhythm and pace and close your eyes and get centered in this moment of your truth regarding beliefs – limiting or limitless.  It is after all up to you and what you believe!

Questions to Ponder Regarding Your Beliefs:

What are my positive and powerful beliefs?  Where did they come from?

What are my negative beliefs about myself, my family/friends, and my life habits that feel more like obligations and chains rather than empowerment and joy?

Where do my limiting beliefs come from?  Are they serving my needs now?

What would happen if I changed my belief system?  How would I feel, and how do I worry that others might feel?

Are my beliefs serving my needs right now?

What beliefs could I adopt, strengthen, or pay more attention to that would result in me feeling more empowered?

Do I believe in myself?  Do I believe in my role in the world?  Do I believe that everything I want in life is within my grasp?  (If not, then identify the belief that keeps you from this empowerment!)

Letting go of limiting thoughts and beliefs is the first step to YOU living your amazing and empowered life.  Take time to explore your beliefs and next week we will talk about coupling belief with intention to really create magic in your life!    

*If you are interested in Igniting Your Intuitive Superpowers, DM me, or check out my class offerings, Fall 2022 at the Lightwell Center, in Madison VA.  I would love to work with you on breaking free from limiting beliefs, and patterns, and embracing your innate abilities to manifest your perfect life!  XOXO

Until Next Time,

Live Well, Love Well, Lightwell the World





Wednesday Wisdom