About Me
Hi, I’m Julie! I live in Central Virginia, with my husband (and soulmate) Dave, and two wonderful dogs, Shine with us here, and after 16 years, Nala, in spirit.
For more than 30 years, I worked as an international business executive in some of the most poor and war-torn places in the world. In over 80 countries, I worked with teams to build basic infrastructure (such as roads, schools, health clinics, and farms) and implemented environmental and social policies designed to improve quality of life. It was an education that exceeded my wildest imagination and I am forever grateful for the experience. Among many things, I learned that we humans are extraordinarily alike, from the richest and most powerful to the most forgotten. We each play an important role in the lives of others, as we each have amazing gifts, remarkable spirits, and an extraordinary and unique life mission, which we all must remember, embrace, and live out!
After too many delays, I decided to take my own advice. I hung up my “travel wings” and transitioned into my authentic purpose and life mission, even though it sounded crazy at the time! I vowed to reclaim my birthright as a life-long intuitive and seer.
I immediately sought to fully educate myself on all things spiritual, as I wanted to ensure I would bring the best practices forward. I studied Evidential and Trance Mediumship & Channeling, completing coursework and two years of private mentoring under famous British medium and author, Tony Stockwell. In addition, I completed coursework at Arthur Findley College in Stansed, England and other institutes, such as OMEGA. In 2018, I became a Certified Past Life Regression Hypnotherapist, under Dr. Peter Woodbury at the Edgar Cayce Institute in Virginia Beach. I also completed a life-changing 9-month Success Coaching Mentorship Program led by best-selling author Robert Holden and became a 200-hour Certified Yoga Teacher, Yoga Nidra Teacher, and Reiki I & II Practitioner. Finally, working so deeply with my client’s Soul Missions, I became an Akashic Record Reader and Trance Channeler, with the help of my own incredible spirit team.
The name “Lightwell” reminds us to seek out the highest and best version of ourselves…so together we can “Lightwell the World.”

“Begin. FOr there is no end; and therefore, only beginnings.”
— Genevieve, Julie’s Spirit Guide