Come to Your senses!

This Week’s Sophic Soul Challenge: COME TO YOUR SENSES!

Do you remember a time when you were doing something that others thought was crazy, or silly, or just plain stupid and they implored you to not do it (whatever it was) and rather told you to “COME TO YOUR SENSES!” Well, I couldn’t agree more – but not for that reason!  

In my work as an international psychic medium and sophic soul coach, I believe that the main reason we all come to this earth plane is to experience human life through sensory perception.  That’s right, what I have learned from dead people is that while we are in the spirit realm, we do not need senses or sensing; we simply exist in knowing and light.

So, think about that for a moment, me, you, and everyone we know, and love came to this life to experience it fully, most directly through our human senses, first and foremost.  Messages that we receive from our five senses are actually what create our neuropathways to our brain, which subsequently allows analysis and thinking to happen – the interpretation of what we are experiencing. 

Yet… modern life has taught us to “tune out” our senses – and escape from the present moment.  It is evident everywhere you look: we binge-watch a whole season of a show in one night, we have a bad day and instead of leaning into it for greater understanding, we often just grab a bottle or pill.  We seek company, but when we go out with friends and family, we spend more time looking at our screens, than being actually with them and experiencing the moment.

What if we became more consciously aware of how we shut down our senses in daily life?  This week we will do just that!



The Challenge:  Each day this week I invite you to explore and journal about each of your five human senses by answering the questions below.  Note, if you are without access to any of these senses, consider journaling about what it means to you to not have access to that particular sense, and how the others support you fully.

Preparation: Get out your journal and breathe.  Simply breathe at your rhythm and pace and close your eyes and get centered in this moment of feelings regarding your ability to sense. Answer the following questions in your journal.  Do so honestly, and don’t judge your answer – be kind to yourself as you explore your inner thoughts and sensibilities.

Day 1:  SIGHT

What do I want to see more of in my life?  What do I want to see less of?  What am I afraid of seeing? How do I avoid what I am seeing?  Do I trust my sense of SIGHT?


What do I want to hear more of in my life?  What do I want to hear less of?  What am I afraid of hearing?  How do I avoid what I am hearing? Do I trust my sense of HEARING?

Day 3:  SMELL

What do I want to smell more of in my life?  What do I want to smell less of?  What am I afraid of smelling? How do I avoid what I am smelling? Do I trust my sense of SMELL?

Day 4:  TASTE

What do I want to taste more of in my life?  What do I want to taste less of?  What am I afraid of tasting? How do I avoid what I am tasting?  Do I trust my sense of TASTE?

Day 5:  TOUCH

What do I want to touch more of in my life?  What do I want to touch less of?  What am I afraid of touching? How do I avoid what I am touching?  Do I trust my sense of TOUCH?


What are the habits I have formed that keep me from sensing my life in a meaningful way?  What might I try to do this coming week that will get me back in touch with my sensibilities?

Sensing and Soul Sensing are important parts of life. I hope you are willing to explore it fully this week.  As a coach, Sophic (meaning “wise”) Soul Sensing and coming into all our senses is the very heart of much of my work.  If you wish more information, reach out via DM.


Until Next Time,

Live Well, Love Well, Lightwell the World



Wednesday Wisdom


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