Silence is Golden!


Hey everyone, forgive my absence over the last few weeks, but I have been practicing silence!  For most of my 30-long-year global career, I couldn’t sit still for more than 2 minutes, let alone stay in silent meditation for an extended time. But after finding my soul’s calling, I love it now!  In fact, for the first two weeks of each and every year, I practice SOUL SENSING through silence.

“It is not until I choose deliberate SILENCE, that I can unequivocally sense that the WORLD is TOO FULL to even speak about!”

Life is hectic and busy, and most of us go through each day at a dizzying speed.  We grab breakfast on the way out of the door, get in our cars, and drive to work, a meeting, the gym, or wherever without even really remembering how we actually got there.  We order lunch and eat it while completely consumed on our screens – not even tasting what we actually ordered.  But that is not the worst part, we often start conversations and are too distracted to listen fully as they unfold, let alone listen to the end.

If you, like me are lucky enough to have all your human senses available to you, it is hard to shut off your natural sense of touch, taste, smell, sight, and hearing, but one thing we can shut off is our narrating voice, by choosing deliberate silence.  When we begin to close down the external distractions and noise which are constantly calling for our attention and go within, we begin to reconnect to our truest and most-centered selves.  And, when we do, something wonderful happens, we can actually slow the world down, and experience it fully in all its wonder.  

We also begin to hone and heighten our innate SOPHIC SOUL SENSE, or “wise” inner soul.  And, what an important place it is!  When we can sense our soul, we begin to see how truly divine and amazing we are, and how truly divine and amazing everyone is along the path.  In this sacred space, we can find our inner voice, our truth, and our soul mission.

Just like famous author Robert Fulghum said, All we really need to know we learn in kindergarten:  SILENCE IS GOLDEN!  Enjoy your week of inner exploration like a song without words.

The Challenge:  Create space this week for SILENT SENSING!  

Preparation: Take three cleansing breaths in through your nose and out through your mouth: counting to four on the inhale, and five on the exhale.  RELAX, RELAX, RELAX – and set your timer for as long as you wish or have time to reflect and SOUL SENSE in SILENCE!

Step 1 to infinity this week:  Create Space and Time for Silent Reflection, and truly enjoy it.


Until Next Time,

Live Well, Love Well, Lightwell the World



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