Welcome resolution!

This Week’s Sophic Soul Challenge: “Welcome Resolution!”

Last week you focused your attention on figuring out what you might RESIST in your life that brings you to fear, shame, and regret that sits on the edge or even in the center of your consciousness, stinking up your otherwise beautiful energy, aura, and joy for life.  This week, you will learn you can begin to take your life back by simply recognizing that WHAT YOU RESIST, PERSISTS.  So, recognizing a resistance and being willing to let it go and focus on facing it, not only lets you take your power back, but starts the process of resolving, and healing, and will propel you forward with more ease.  Below I offer some techniques that I have used personally, and also used to help my clients!

A Special Note: ALL of us have experienced trauma to varying degrees in our lives, and as humans, I believe none of us are exempt.  This post is meant to help gain an understanding that you may be able to resolve your resistance by using self-help tools like those below.  You may also discover that additional help or professional services, maybe a positive step for you now!  Recognizing a problem is often the first important step to resolving it and moving forward toward your bright future!


The Challenge:  

This week we will focus on moving from resistance to resolution!  Knowing and accepting that what we run away from, haunts us even more if we try to push it away and leave it unresolved.  This could be a memory, a person, a feeling, a worry, or even a lifelong refusal to follow your truth or soul’s purpose!

Preparation: Get out your journal and breathe.  Simply Breathe at your rhythm and pace.  Before you begin to journal about revisiting “uncomfortable territory”—i.e., the things you are resisting, fearing, worrying about, blocking… first, let’s get centered.  So, let’s get you more into your parasympathetic nervous system, which is the center of CALM.  Bring your shoulders up to your ears, and let them drop with a big sigh, this is the cue to your body and mind that you are going to relax.  Once you feel a bit calmer, begin six breath cycles of breathing through your nose for the count of 4, and then blow out for a count of 6 while your mouth is pursed, like you are blowing through a straw   This is called “straw breath” and it is a terrific tool if you are ever feeling anxious, nervous, scared or out of control!

Step 1: Use last week’s resistance list, or simply ask yourself to answer this question:

“What do I RESIST in my life that I am willing now to begin to release and resolve?”

Step 2:  Practice Every Day Using A Release Technique. 

Pick a technique from the two presented below or use one you have developed.  Try to spend time each day this week, resolving whatever issues haunt you, with the attitude and soul knowing that you will allow and manifest through intention resolution and peace regarding the issue.  In doing so, you release yourself from having it in your auric and energetic field – bringing wonderful soul freedom!

Technique 1:  Record and Burn. 

Fire cleanses. It also can be successfully used to release what you are carrying that no longer serves you.  Take some paper and write your issue down in great detail.  If you experience issues with another person, you can use the paper to write them a letter that allows you to speak your entire truth.  After your issue is fleshed out fully in writing, read it aloud with passion and feeling.  Then, pick up your pen once more, and write the following affirmation at the bottom of the page:

            “And with this writing, I am free.  I release myself from this resistance that has caused me pain in the past.  Thank you (name of issue, circumstance, or person) for all you have taught me.  As of this moment, I no longer need to hang on to this situation or resist because I have successfully learned this soul lesson. I release it all and embrace higher vibrational energy which nourishes me and propels me toward my brilliant and happy future.  I am free, AND SO IT IS!”

Read aloud the last affirmation with passion and feeling as if it is already completely resolved and gone, and safely burn the paper.  Watch the paper burn all the way through, while repeating “I AM FREE, AND SO IT IS!”  Celebrate yourself for being both brave and wise.

Technique 2: Bubble and Blow. 

In this technique, we use our imagination.  You will sit quietly in a comfortable position and being to see the situation, person, or feeling that you wish to release.  In your mind, you will sense all the details, as if you are watching a movie in your mind’s eye.  Now, since you are in charge, and always have been, you command with your voice that the situation shrink right in front of your eyes, and become so small the entire person, situation, and feeling fits into the palm of your hand!  Using your imagination, watch it happen…it shrinks, shrinks, and shrinks more! 

Now, as it is shrinking, notice that you are growing bigger, and bigger, and bigger!  Once the entire issue is within the palm of your hand, enclose it within a bubble.  See the situation inside the floating bubble, look down at it and say directly to it:

“I release you.  You are tiny and I am incredibly powerful.  I chose to take back my power now, and I use my breath to blow you to the sun where you will integrate back into the light. Thank you (name of issue, circumstance, or person) for all you have taught me.”

With that, blow gently into your hand, using your imagination to see the bubble rise into the air, up and up and up, towards the sun.  Watch it go directly into the sun, and reintegrate with light. As it rises, repeat aloud: “I AM FREE, AND SO IT IS.”

I hope you enjoy these techniques to free yourself from anything that haunts you.  Remember, you are an infinite, divine light being, and you deserve to have abundance, happiness, and peace while you travel your soul path in this lifetime. Namaste.

If you are interested in experiencing release through Past Life Regression Hypnotherapy, Reiki, Soul or Akashic Record Readings and have questions, please DM me and I would love to chat with you!


Until Next Time,

Live Well, Love Well, Lightwell the World


Wednesday Wisdom


Wednesday Wisdom