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Soul Sense, Edinburgh Scotland


Open up your psychic knowing to form a bond with Spirit and more importantly, with your soul.

Deep within your own infinite light, discover your greatest treasures and truths. Introspection may lead you to your most authentic and successful life.

What to Expect IN this Workshop

By the end of this workshop you will be remarkably empowered. You’ll leave with remarkable clarity and an unfoldment plan to regain critical energetic chakra and soul balance. You will be ready to work towards obtaining and living a more successful life… SOUL-SENSIBLY!

You will experience:

  • Soul Life Assesment

  • Guided Meditation

  • Yoga Movement and Mantra

  • Deep Reflective Journal Work


A Message From Julie

‘Whereas I greatly enjoyed the part of my life which took me all over the world to meet amazing people and see amazing things, I was not really living fully. In fact, there was always a faint calling and deep hunger within me unquenched by worldly achievements. 

You see, afraid of what my peers and staff might think, for decades I kept hidden my natural talents and abilities as a life-long psychic and intuitive, able to employ all the “clairs.” Despite being encouraged by my mother, now in spirit, I had long abandoned my spiritual gifts and intense curiosity and negated my knowing in favor of a “normal life and career.”  Thankfully, SPIRIT had another plan!

Six years ago, on the eve of my 50th birthday, I embarked on a transformative personal journey, initiated by a life-changing, unexpected visit from a friend whose funeral I had only recently attended!  Knowing she was quite dead when I last saw her and seeing her in front of me – fully three-dimensional and speaking audibly no less, well, you can imagine it was hard to ignore.

I always knew I was a psychic, but what else was possible?  As it turns out, I am not only a psychic and medium, I excel in trance mediumship, transfiguration, automatic writing & spirit art, and channeling.

Along my journey, I discovered something wonderful!  There is nothing special about my abilities – in fact, WE ALL HAVE THEM.  EVERY ONE OF US!  Delighted with this truth, in January 2018, I opened the Lightwell Center, where I teach others absolutely everything I have learned and experienced along my spiritual development path.  Now, I am finally living my passion: to offer group and individual training courses and tutoring to other seekers, reflecting my deepest passion and truth: that  – without fail – each and every soul on this planet is here for a unique and wonderful reason, and it is the responsibility of each soul to search, find and live their best and most inspired SOUL-CENTERED version of themselves- not only for themselves, but to LIGHTWELL the World. I look forward to meeting you.

With Love,


July 14

An Evening of Mediumship, Edinburgh Scotland

September 22

A WALK with Spirit at Lightwell Labyrinth - Fall Equinox Event