Let Julie use her talents to guide you in navigating the big decisions of your life! In this series, you’ll use your own intuition to uncover more opportunities than may have previously met the eye. We all come to various crossroads in our life.  Depending on when they show up, the choice can be rather easy, or incredibly daunting.  Sometimes the options presented are not even close to the real opportunities that exist outside our narrowed vision.

Julie is often asked about her beliefs regarding fate or destiny versus free will, a complicated question indeed, and one she loves to discuss!  In short however, her beliefs lie in both.  It is Julie’s understanding through her spiritual path that humans indeed come to each lifetime with a mission, plan and are “destined” to live out that magnificent plan once agreed.  Sadly, the human world is complex and very distracting!  Best made plans are often forgotten, put on hold, or brushed aside as impractical by the world, families, friends or even become victims from your own mind.  It happens to all of us, and it happens a lot!  Because we have free will to act, we can often choose our paths out of fear, pressure to behave in a way acceptable to your culture, friends and family, or one of least (or even most!) resistance.
Crossroads are hard.  But they are also amazing opportunities to pause and consider your options – ALL OF THEM! They present an opportunity for YOU to consider what you truly want and need for your SOUL.  They come to you to remind you: YOU have limitless possibilities within your grasp!

Three private 90 minute Zoom sessions - $750

*Book your first session, then schedule further appointments with Julie personally.