LightwelL Center


Hi, I’m Julie Haines, and I am thrilled that you are here!

  • Certified Psychic Medium

  • Past Life Regression Hypnotherapist

  • Intuitive Success Coach

  • Yoga Instructor

  • Reiki Practitioner

  • Founder and your host at Lightwell Center

My personal journey began in Corporate America, where I was fortunate to work in over 80 of the poorest countries of the world. It was really cool and wonderful and full of adventure; however, it all pales in comparison to my true calling. You see, along my path, I uncovered that not only did I have worldly talents, but I had inexplicable spiritual gifts of knowing and seeing beyond the physical world – into our energy, our souls, and the spiritual realm.

And, here is the thing: not only do I have these talents, but YOU DO TOO!

Once I realized that all of us here on earth have the ability to command our energy and intuitive radar, uncover our soul missions and manifest lives of amazing abundance: I quit my corporate life to dedicate myself to helping others to master their own innate and limitless soul talents. I offer private readings, individual and group teaching, and love to hold sacred space for clients from all over the world to explore all aspects of their own divine infinite soul self: unleashing their true magic into the world!

It would be my greatest honor to work with you so you too can live the life you really came here to live!

TestimonialS from JuLie’s customers

  • "The workshop changed my life!"

  • "Unequivocal validation of my own psychic abilities"

  • "Profoundly meaningful"

  • "My life will never be the same"

  • "Such an empowering experience"

  • "I left the event invigorated and excited to put the skills that I learned into practice"

  • "A very nurturing and professional day of digging right down into the center of myself"

  • "A month later and I have a business plan and am moving into a nicer home"

  • "Set me on a course of personal fulfillment"