Soul-centered success coaching
Julie will work with you in four private sessions to gain soul-centered clarity about any issue, crossroads, or life transition you wish to explore in great depth. As an international corporate business executive and life-long intuitive, Julie combines the best of both worlds by sharing messages and motivations from spirit, while empowering YOU to embrace your own innate power and knowing. Using both left and right brain techniques, you will assess, evaluate, and embrace opportunities that Spirit and the Universe have waiting for you. With a healthy dose of encouragement and a pinch of tough love, Julie will help you to smash any barriers keeping you from your highest and best purpose. Through this, you will begin to uncover a world of opportunities for you to flourish and thrive! Julie will explore your guideposts with you in-depth, to allow you to see and understand what your options truly are, and the best path toward abundant freedom and your soul-centered life mission. Julie has an extensive corporate background in building and maintaining highly profitable international businesses programs in more than 80 countries. In addition to this, she currently maintains two award-winning local businesses as a skilled entrepreneur and community leader. She holds certification in Success Intelligence High-Performance Coaching under Robert Holden, Hay House Best-Selling Author (Success Intelligence, Shift Happens and The Happiness Project). She brings forth her deep treasure chest of tools, graciously offering any and all of them to assist you in successfully conquering your desires with grace and confidence.
Four private 90 minute Zoom private sessions with reading, lecture, and assignments - $1,100
*Book your first session, then schedule further appointments with Julie personally.