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In EARTH TO ETHER, with Julie Haines & Jenn Mintz

Over five thousand years ago the Vedics created a spiritual tradition that tends to all aspects of being human in the natural world, to illuminate the higher powers that are accessible to us both internally and externally. This tradition explores all facets of our human existence, from the physical, sensory, emotional, mental, and spiritual to the highest self- realization~ Ananda.  It explores the nature and interconnectedness of the physical, subtle, and formless, and shows us how these exist within each human individual, and guides us on a journey toward- self realization- the highest form of self-healing. Ayurveda offers us an understanding of the language of nature and life, so that we can live in harmony with the greater universe. With this understanding and harmonizing, our beings are tuned and energized to pursue healing for ourselves which reverberates into society, other beings, and the planet.

A key part of creating this harmony and healing is remembering that we as humans are part of the natural world and are of the same essence of all beings and connected with cosmic intelligence. 

We all are made up of five elements: earth, water, fire, air, and ether. Each element is associated with a physical body part, a mental way of being, and an energetic center or chakra. 

Everything we experience -our physical and subtle sensations, our thoughts, emotional feelings, held experiences- have qualities of the elements and can affect our elemental essence. You will discover your elemental essence. 

In our weekend journey, we will explore the traditions of Ayurveda and yoga including physical postures (asana and mudra), breath control (pranayama), sensory methods (pratyahara), affirmations (mantra), medicinal plants, eating and movement lifestyles, a moment of connection in nature, and daily rituals (dinacharya) that will bring balance and vitality to mind, body and spirit!  Offered Saturday and Sunday, with an optional Friday Evening Ceremony, Julie Haines & Jenn Mintz invite you to get acquainted with the REAL YOU.

Let the journey begin!

“Life (Ayu) is the combination (samyoga) of body, sense, mind and reincarnating soul. Ayurveda is the most sacred science of life, beneficial to humans both in this world and the world beyond.”

~ Charaka Samhita, Sutrasthana, 1.42-34

Your investment is only $595! But, to make the course even more fun, we encourage you to bring a friend and save $100 each on the tickets – book two for $499 each in the link below!

March 16

Release, Reclaim, & Rise with Past Life Regression